Tides, weather & useful links
Tide data
Portsmouth tide data is available from the Events calendar, you can see today's and the next four days from the Home page (near the bottom). However, for other tidal prediction data you will need to log in to view, (its part of our licence agreement with the UKHO).
When logged in, if you are looking at the calendar as an 'Agenda' i.e. a list of events such as here: https://www.portchestersc.org/events/2023/ you will need need to click on a particular event to see the tide times for that event. Switching to Month view it will show that month's events and tides in a calendar view, from here you can scroll back and forward month by month using the < and > control icons.
Local weather stations and web sites
Portchester Weather Station
Useful links
Laser 2000 class Association
Solo Class Association
RS400 Class Association