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Home / Our Club / Volunteering
Home / Our Club / Volunteering


Volunteers are the life blood of the club, without whom the club would not function. It is run by its members, for its members. It is only through the voluntary efforts of our members that we are able to offer members the activities, services and facilities that they want, when they want, and at a competitive price.

There is something for everyone, most people volunteer because they want to put something back into the Club.

We have lots of opportunities to volunteer that are fun, that provide a way of meeting other members, that give you a sense of achievement, that help you to learn new skills or to practice existing skills, or to pass on your skills or knowledge to other people.

Here are a few examples;

For the organiser; join one of the committees; e.g. Angling, Maintenance, Maring, Sailing, Social or Training.

For the practical; be part of the maintenance team supporting/ running the clubs formal maintenance days, or join the Wednesday minor projects team who turn out each week to pick up all manner of tasks.

For the socially minded; turn your hand to the Social committee, helping organise social events, or working behind the bar.

For the competitive types; there's racing support, running the races or driving the clubs rib providing on the water support, or for social sailing / kayaking.

If teaching is your thing, perhaps the training section is for you; supporting the committee, or become an instructor to deliver the sail or power boat training.

Members are expected to earn a duty day voucher each year, you can earn a voucher in many of the activities mentioned above, alternatively participate in one of the formal work party's held each year.

So please don't be shy to step forward if you see something of interest, or want to know more, go to contact selecting Volunteering and Duty day queries as the category, complete and submit the form; someone will be in touch.

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